
Statement from the West African Women’s Right Coalition (WAWORC) recently formed in Banjul the Gambia to promote and advocate for the rights of women in West Africa using African Union mechanisms, in particular the African Commission and ECOWAS.
Across central Iraq, there is an exodus of people fleeing for their lives as sectarian assassins and death squads hunt them down. At ground level, Iraq is disintegrating as ethnic cleansing takes hold on a massive scale.
Thousands of people crowded the airport and waited along the highway to welcome home Dr. Shirin Ebadi when she returned to Iran upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize.
*Lambdaistanbul LGBT Initiative,* started some research, whose results were brought together in a book entitled *"Neither Wrong Nor Alone!"* in 2005.
More than 15,000 Turks, from students to judges still in their robes, marched in the capital to support secularism and to condemn a courtroom shooting that killed one judge and wounded four others.
On 22 May, Act Together: Women’s Action on Iraq invites you to a film, a series of talks and discussions about the realities of women’s lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. We want to go beyond the political rhetoric & fill a gap in the current media coverage.
Dreams of a long-awaited marriage between a Qatari woman and her Lebanese fiancé were dashed after the authorities rejected their marriage request, a lawyer said yesterday, warning that many Qataris are facing the same ordeal.
A Celebration of Courage is the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC)'s annual awards receptions honoring human rights activists held in San Francisco and New York.
The Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) calls for action on May 28th, the International Day of Action for Women’s Health, to put women’s reproductive and sexual health and rights at the centre of the response to HIV/AIDS.
The award focuses on women activists, journalists, and artists (individuals or groups) who work at the grassroots level with socially marginalized peoples in order to create a 21st century free from war and discrimination against women.