
The Home Office has decided a specific law to ban forced marriages in the UK is not needed. It is thought the disadvantages of a new law would outweigh the advantages, and possibly drive the practice of forced marriages underground.
Police in Iran have beaten a small group of women activists trying to hold a protest for greater legal rights in the biggest square of the capital. Several people were arrested by the security forces who moved in as soon as activists started gathering.
On June 7-8, 2006, partners from 6 African countries and the UK met to prepare a plan to fight FGM and early marriage at the international conference on "FGM and Early Marriage from the Religious and Legal Perspectives."
According to official and NGO sources, more than 90 Iraqi women become widows each day due to continuing violence across the country.
On December 17, 2003, a 26-year-old woman named Malalai Joya joined hundreds of others in a large tent in Kabul, Afghanistan, to adopt a new constitution for their war-torn nation.
Muslim men may wed non-Muslim women whereas Muslim women are, in theory, not allowed to marry non-Muslim men. Now Abdullahi An-Naim has published a book that takes a close look at Muslims and inter-religious marriages. Yogi Sikand has read it.
The Kathmandu Declaration adopted by the National Conference of Women Human Rights Defenders.
Multiple-wife marriages have been legally recognized in Canada to award spousal support and inheritance payments.