
While municipal and parliamentary elections are likely to take place in October or November, more efforts are being made by the Supreme Council for Women (SCW) for political empowerment of women.
The law sweepingly denies Arab citizens of any possibility of gaining status in Israel for their spouses who are residents of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs).
Settling of interlocking conflicts cries out for new approaches.
To a passer-by, the dress and demeanor of Lilis Lindawati would have attracted little attention as she waited in the dark in this busy industrial city for a ride home.
Pakistan's top constitutional court has intervened to stop the marriages of five minor girls which were arranged in order to settle a tribal dispute.
First came a letter carrying a stern warning: "Quit the race, or else." Next, unidentified attackers cut up and sprayed insults over campaign billboards.
A court in Denmark has jailed a Pakistani man for life for ordering the murder of his 18-year-old daughter.
The horror of the London bombings raises critical questions for all of us. What are the root causes of this tragedy and what role did political Islam play in these events? Is political Islam an inevitable reaction to the “Global War on Terror”?
There has been a massive increase in reported cases of sexual abuse in Iraq since the days of Saddam Hussein's regime, according to the Women's Rights Association (WRA), a local NGO.
"Respect for women... can triumph in the Middle East and beyond," said George Bush at the UN in September 2002. But numerous studies and surveys over the past three years proved that the situation of Iraqi women worsened under the US occupation.