
A Swedish court has jailed a Somali man for four years for forcing his 13-year-old daughter to be circumcised (genitally mutilated).
No dome, no minaret, no call to prayer, just an unmarked house in a secret location. This is Eid prayers for the Ahmadiyya Muslim community of Karachi, Pakistan.
Edited/compiled by Cassandra Balchin, this manual uses cases (from 43 participants - Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Tanzania & Yemen) as starting points for the examination of the relationship between human rights & Islamic Legal Theory.
The Africa Union on Friday urged its member states to put an end to the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), saying the ritual traumatised millions of girls and women on the continent.
The Al-Ifta and Islamic Research Sector at the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs has issued a fatwa stating “no one can force any citizen, either male or female, to vote for any specific candidate.”
You are invited to view the WLUML exhibition "Dress codes & modes - women’s dress in some Muslim countries and communities."
Egyptian women are the first in the Middle East to have gained the right to unilateral divorce through a procedure called khul. This article in the ISIM Review explores how cartoons and films now depict khul in a negative way.
The crisis in Sri Lanka has reached a new phase with the targeting of civilians for large scale killing and the accompanying denial of responsibility for such atrocities.