
A United Nations envoy has arrived in Turkey to investigate a reported surge in the number of young women committing suicide.
Sheikh Mohammed of Bhadrak district, Orissa in a drunken state pronounced triple talaq to his wife Najma Bibi, but next morning realised his mistake and decided to live with her and their three young children.
In Bangladesh, Thoraya Obaid addressed thousands of members of the Grand Conference of Imams, urging them to promote the full and equal participation of women in society, and she promised to give computers to a unique health clinic in the capital.
Bangladesh is often portrayed as a place where women are victimised and subordinated by Islam. Fundamentalist outrage against writer Tasleema Nasreen has reinforced this image. But Bangladesh also has a very vibrant and strong women's movement.
Sharla Musabih's mobile phone hardly stops alerting her with messages from female victims of domestic violence seeking help or refuge in the Dubai-based shelter she runs. Some sound very desperate.
On this first anniversary of Egypt's Black Referendum Day, we remember the abuses of freedom, the assault and sexual harassment of female journalists and activists who believe in the ideals of freedom, democracy and political reform in Egypt.
Rahima is a Muslim organization that advocates women's equality based on modern and democratic ideas. Instead of traveling from conference to conference, Rahima members prefer to work at the grassroots level.
At the turn of the nineteenth century, Europeans referred to same-sex relationships as the “Persian disease,” the “Turkish disease,” or the “Egyptian vice.”
A review of '''Honour': Crimes, Paradigms, and Violence Against Women'', edited by Lynn Welchman and Sara Hossain.
The campaign of solidarity with the three female activists - Asma'a Ali, Rasha Azab, Nada El-Kasas - declares its shock and disappointment regarding the decision on 20/05/06 by state security to renew their detainment for another 15 days.