
As one marginalized sector of society, Palestinian women have bore the brunt of various measures by the Israeli occupation. Thousands of women have endured the loss of husbands, sons, daughters, their homes and land to the brutality of the occupation.
President Abdoulaye Wade has ordered his government to allow free treatment for women suffering from obstetric fistula - often a result of early childbirth that leaves young women incontinent and sometimes shunned by their communities.
Act Together has asked Sundus Abass to come up with come concrete actions that she would like you to take to support Iraqi women.
Government has conceded responsibility for its Muslim citizens to unelected clerics.
Afghan women protest against the government decision to re-establish the Vice and Virtue Department.
Dallas Diocese aided woman who was fearful after accusing bishop.
Acts of Terror are acts of cowardice. Terror of the kind unleashed by eight bomb blasts in Mumbai's western railway line killing over 175 innocent victims need to be condemned unequivocally.
Legalizing the Protection Against Family Violence” was the title of a regional meeting that was organized by KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation-Lebanon, of 20 NGO activists from 11 Arab countries and representatives of national and international NGOs.
The Law Commission of Bangladesh recently took the initiative of drafting a Bill on domestic violence. Ain-o-Salish Kendra (ASK), a well-known human rights and legal aid organization has welcomed the Law Commission's initiative.
This project is the current initiative of Prof. Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im and celebrates and seeks to contribute to the struggle of Muslim societies to define themselves in the context of the local and global conditions under which they live.