[violence] domestic violence

Almost seven years after Naila Farhat, 20, became another victim of an acid throwing attack by a spurned suitor, she is finally seeing more vigorous efforts toward the passage of a law seeking to amend existing legislation to reinforce protection of women against violent assaults. Farhat is the first to admit, though, that beneath her physical scars is a smoldering anger that refuses to be pacified until she has exacted vengeance against her violators. 

There are substantive references to shari'a and gender-based discrimination in the Fourteenth session (Agenda item 3) HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL Advanced edited version of PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF ALL HUMAN RIGHTS, CIVIL, POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT. Read the full report here: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/14session/A.HRC.14.22_AEV.pdf

جاء تقرير الأمم المتحدة الصادر هذا العام عن أشكال العنف المختلفة ضد المرأة حول العالم مثيراً للشجون والألم، وكاشفاً عن حجم الانتهاكات الصارخة التي تتعرض لها النساء حول العالم. ولم يأتي هذا التقرير محض اختلاقات وأوهام مكتبية ونظرية لا تمت للواقع المعيش بصلة، بقدر ما جاء عبر مسح عالمي شامل، وعبر مساهمة خبيرات دوليات في شؤون المرأة حول العالم، إضافة إلى مساهمة المؤسسات الحكومية الرسمية، والمؤسسات غير الحكومية بما فيها تلك المنظمات الدولية ذات الصفة عبر القومية. ويمكن القول أن التقرير قد شمل المحلي والقومي والإقليمي والدولي فيما يتعلق بأشكال العنف التتي تواجهها المرأة حول العالم.

The Parliament of Georgia passed a Gender Equality Law on 27 March. The legislation provides for the establishment of a national women’s machinery, the enhancement of women’s security, equality in the labour market and the strengthening of women’s political participation. The law also introduces gender-responsive planning and budgeting on the part of the government.

افادت منظمة مغربية غير حكومية ان 'العنف الاقتصادي' والجسدي هما الأكثر انتشارا بين النساء ضحايا العنف إذ يسجلان على التوالي 37.6 بالمئة و32.7 بالمئة فيما يأتي العنف الجنسي في المركز الثالث بنسبة 10.7 بالمئة يليه العنف القانوني والنفسي على التوالي بنسبة 10.1 و8.8 بالمئة.

Press Statement: On 06 April, 2010, Yosma Altunbey, a mother of six living in the village of Çığırgan in Kars, Southeast Turkey, was subjected to a brutal physical assault by her husband and his brother. She managed to escape to her parents’ house and filed an official complaint against the perpetrators at the gendarmerie station. According to reports, Gendarme Specialist Sergeant K.T. tried to make her withdraw her complaint, threatened her and eventually assaulted her himself when she refused.

Alors que le monde célèbre la Journée internationale de la femme, l’ambivalence, l’impunité, le manque d’application des lois et la corruption continuent à porter atteinte aux droits des femmes en Afghanistan, malgré une loi votée en juillet 2009 interdisant la violence envers les femmes, d’après des activistes des droits humains.

In 2002, a report titled Refugee Women at Risk called attention to several acute challenges facing women seeking asylum in the United States. Published by the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (now Human Rights First), Refugee Women at Risk illustrated how restrictive provisions in a 1996 immigration law, the "Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act", undermined the United States‘ commitment to offer protection to those fleeing persecution. Refugee Women at Risk highlighted how barriers that the 1996 law created for all asylum seekers interposed particularly significant and even insurmountable obstacles to women fleeing violence and oppression, principally through policies of expedited removal, detention of asylum seekers, and the one-year filing deadline for asylum claims.

Nahla*, aged 30, from Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza, said she was physically and mentally abused for more than 10 years by her husband before being granted a divorce three months ago. Fear and cultural factors prevented her from seeking help from women’s organizations. “I never tried to go to the police to complain about my husband's criminal acts, because he threatened to kill me if I did,” Nahla told IRIN. “And I never went to complain to any women’s rights organizations because I didn’t think they would be able to solve my problem - and I was also scared that my husband would find out.”
