[violence] domestic violence

The Pakistani government should quickly reintroduce legislation to protect women and children from domestic violence, Human Rights Watch said today. The Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill was passed unanimously by the National Assembly on August 4, 2009, but the bill lapsed after the Senate failed to pass it within the three months required under the country's constitution. "Victims of domestic violence have long faced a double injustice - abuse at home and then no protection from the government," said Ali Dayan Hasan, senior South Asia researcher at Human Rights Watch. "The proposed law has widespread support in Pakistan, and the government should make passing it a priority."

For Fazeelat Bibi, 21, the last few days of 2009 have brought her some retribution, if not cheer. "Justice has been delivered," said the young woman, her voice void of any feelings. An anti-terrorism court in the Pakistani eastern city of Lahore, on Dec. 21, ordered the noses and ears of two brothers, Sher Mohammad, 27, and Amanat Ali, 29, to be cut off after doing the same to Bibi in September. The court also sentenced the brothers to life imprisonment and ordered them to pay 700,000 rupees (8,300 U.S. dollars) in compensation to the victim.

He beat them every day, but some days were worse than others. In those days he would first attack the children -he would tie up and beat their son and daughter. If she tried to stop him, he would put a knife to their throats and threaten to kill them. On other days he would ask her and the children to chose their own instrument of torture - a thick electric cable, a hammer, a hose. After each beating - and some of them lasted for hours - he would rape her and then force all three of them into a shower to wash off the blood.

قام Global Rights  مؤخرا بإنجاز قافلة تعبوية حول الحقوق الإنسانية للنساء، لمدة 3 أسابيع، طافت حول مختلف مناطق المغرب  بهدف التعبئة الوطنية لدعم مبادرت المناصرة التشريعية من أجل " قانون خاص بمناهضة العنف الممارس تجاه النساء"، المبادرة التناصرية المكثفة التي  أطلقها فريق  Global Rights و شركائه في شتنبر 2007 و التي تدخل عامها الثالت. خلال 21 يوما قطعت القافلة  4000 كلم عبر البلاد، توقفت في 33 مدينة و قرية لتنظيم أنشطة تحسيسية، تعبوية و ترافعية حول العنف الممارس تجاه النساء، شملت 20 مائدة مستديرة بمشاركة أزيد من 700 ممثل و ممثلة للجمعيات المحلية، مختصين قانونيين، فاعلين محليين و ممثلي السلطات المحلية. بالإضافة إلى 17 لقاءا تحسيسيا حول الحقوق الإنسانية مع أزيد من 1100 امرأه على مستوى القاعدة.

Global Rights Maghreb recently conducted a three-week Women’s Human Rights Mobilization Caravan across Morocco to generate national support for our legislative advocacy initiative to promote a Violence against Women Law, now in its third year.  Over the 21 days we travelled more than 4000 kilometres around the country, stopping in 33 diverse cities, towns and villages to hold awareness raising and advocacy activities on violence against women, including 20 round tables with over 700 local NGO members, legal professionals and decision-makers, as well as 17 human rights mobilization meetings with over 1100 women at the grassroots level.

Pendant les 21 jours, nous avons parcouru plus de 4000 kilomètres sur tout le pays, sommes arrêtés dans 33 villes et villages pour organiser des activités de sensibilisation et de plaidoyer sur les violences faites aux femmes, y compris 20 tables rondes avec plus de 700 membres d’associations locales, professionnels juridiques et décideurs, ainsi que 17 rencontres de mobilisation sur les droits humains avec plus de 1100 femmes au niveau de la base.

The Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its causes and consequences, Ms. Rashida Manjoo, seizes the opportunity of the International Day on the Elimination of Violence Against Women (25 November) to present her approach to the mandate, both in terms of thematic priorities and cooperation with other mechanisms, with a view to enhance efforts to eliminate violence against women.

A new phone line for victims of domestic abuse in Turkmenistan, although commentators say the government should be doing a lot more to address the problem. The hotline began operating in mid-September, with the support of the OSCE mission in the capital Ashgabat. “Violence is commonplace in Turkmen families,” said an observer in Ashgabat. “There is widespread beating of wives, coercive sex, and slave labour where men make women work at home, for example to make carpets to sell and support the family.”

Dowry deaths or sex selection resulting in the termination of female fetuses, are but two most extreme manifestations of the phenomena of violence against women that is taking new and more contemporary forms.
Up until now, there has been no such crime as domestic violence on the Mozambican statute book. When a husband beat up his wife, this was treated as a simple case of assault.