[violence] domestic violence

She ran for her life. Her husband had raped her again that night, this time more violently than ever in their 15-year marriage. He forced himself on her repeatedly, he choked her and threatened to kill her.

When she fled in the early hours of March 23, 2008 — down the stairwell, through the courtyard, into the street and up to a taxi — he caught up before the driver could pull away. She ran on, finally reaching a police station.

Voters in North Carolina have approved a constitutional amendment defining marriage solely as a union between one man and one woman, in a defeat for gay rights advocates. It will become the 30th state in the union to enshrine a ban on same-sex marriage in its state constitution. Same-sex marriage has been illegal in NC for 16 years but can now only be legalised by another vote by the people.

Gokce, a soft-spoken 37-year-old mother of two, has lived on the run for 15 years, ever since her abusive husband tracked her down, broke down her door and shot her in the leg six times after she refused to return to him.

This week's Panorama, Britain's Crimes of Honour, made for harrowing viewing. In the space of 30 minutes, the programme recounted horrific murders of women in the UK. There was video footage of Banaz Mahmod, the young Iraqi Kurdish woman from south London whose family murdered her and buried her in a suitcase after she was spotted kissing her boyfriend outside a tube station. There was the grieving mother of Laura Wilson, the teenager from Rotherham who was knifed repeatedly by her boyfriend, Ashtiaq Asghar. Then there was the wedding clip of Nosheen Azam, who came to Sheffield from Pakistan as a young bride and was trapped in an abusive marriage. She was found in her back garden, aflame. Nosheen survived but is brain dead, her body badly burnt. No one knows whether she set herself alight to commit suicide or whether it was attempted murder. Her father, who visits her in a care home, wiped tears from his eyes as he recalled telling her not to leave her husband, for the sake of her family's pride.

Pakistan’s Senate on Monday passed a bill that makes violence against women and children an offence carrying jail terms and fines, state media said. The Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill was introduced by Senator Nilofar Bakhtiar and passed unanimously by the upper house of the federal parliament, Pakistan Television reported.

هناك غموض يلف عدد النساء العاملات في لبنان، وأكثر من ذلك عدد النساء المعيلات للأُسَر. الحقيقة أنّه في لبنان، من الصعب أن تستطيع المرأة، أيّاً كان وضعها الديني والاجتماعي، المجاهرة بإعالتها للأسرة، وذلك حفاظاً على التقاليد والأعراف التي تضع الرجل اللبناني، عربياً كان أو فينيقياً، في صورة الرجل المعطاء، المزود، والحامي عند الضرورة. مئات السنين مرت، والعديد من النظم الاجتماعية اندثرت، ونوعية الحياة انقلبت رأساً على عقب، ولا يزال على النساء وضع أنفسهن في حضن العائلة، وهي العقبة الأساس في إقرار قانون حماية النساء من العنف المنزلي، وحق المرأة في منح الجنسية لأولادها وزوجها، وأخيراً في إقرار احوال شخصية مدنية، قد تسهم في إنصاف النساء من جهة الإرث والزواج والطلاق.

Uphold the rights of Afghan women and girls to be freed from gender-based violence. Secure the independence of women shelters in Afghanistan. The Global Campaign to Stop Violence against Women in the Name of ‘Culture’, an international network of women’s human rights defenders and advocates, fully supports our sisters in Afghanistan in resisting their government’s attempt to put the country’s women shelters under State control. If the Afghan government proceeds with this proposed legislation, it will invite serious risks to the already-fragile security of women and girls who are in desperate need of protection from gender–based violence in their country. This development is alarming and deserves the attention of the international community.

The recent move by Afghanistan’s Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA) to take control of women’s shelters is deeply worrying.  I have spoken to NGO workers who run these shelters, and they have been outraged by the new legislation. Over the past few years I have personally been able to see the work of five of these shelters out of a total of 14 set up around the country by NGOs after the Taleban’s fall. The shelters house hundreds of Afghan women and girls whose lives are at risk due to forced marriage, underaged marriage, and other forms of violence. Amnesty International urges the Afghan government to reconsider this terrible piece of legislation and, instead, recommit itself to protecting the women of Afghanistan and those courageous human rights defenders, many of them women, who are trying to counteract years of discrimination and sexual violence against the women of Afghanistan.

كما في كل عام، تحيي منظمة كفى عنف وإستغلال حملة الـ16 يوماً العالمية المخصصة لمناهضة العنف ضد المرأة، والتي تبدأ من 25 تشرين الثاني، اليوم العالمي لمناهضة العنف ضد المرأة، ولغاية 10 كانون الأول، وهو اليوم العالمي لحقوق الانسان. هذه السّنة، بالشّراكة مع وزارة الشّؤون الإجتماعية ومنظمة أوكسفام بريطانيا وبدعم عددٍ من وكالات الأمم المتحدة والسفارات والمنظمات الدولية، تطلق كل من منظمة كفى والتّحالف الوطني لتشريع حماية النّساء من العنف الأسري أول حملة "شارات بيضاء" في الشرق الأوسط للتأكيد على دور الرّجال في مناهضة العنف ضد المرأة تحت شعار "نساءً ورجالاً: شركاء لإنهاء العنف ضد النساء" للمطالية بإقرار قانون حماية النساء من العنف الأسري.

On November 25, 2010, Lebanon joined over 55 countries around the world by organising the first White Ribbon Campaign in the Middle East. The campaign carried out by KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation, the National Coalition for legislating protection of women from family violence, & Oxfam GB, started on November 25 and will last 16 days.
