[empower] women’s activism

WLUML supports, and urges you to support, this campaign with the objective of changing the Islamic Penal Code of Iran so that stoning will never again be issued as a sentence or practiced as a punishment.
Details of a recent strategic meeting of the Iraqi women's movement, involving most of the active alliances of women's networks in Iraq.
The women’s movement in Morocco – which now bridges secular and religious communities – is setting an example of the power of social thought in a traditional society.
L'objectif est connu : défendre l'idée que le féminisme égalitariste est une idée occidentale pour mieux faire croire que seul le retour aux fondements de l'islam sauvera les musulmanes.
Décidément, la commission « Islam & laïcité », anciennement initiée par la Ligue de l’enseignement et désormais sous la houlette de la Ligue des droits de l’homme, préfère les musulmans réactionnaires aux musulmans progressistes.
A compilation of articles by key Islamic scholars on the subject of diversity of opinion in Islam. The main essay by Mohammad Hashim Kamali, explores the scope of diversity and disagreement among pre-modern Islamic jurists.

Co-organised by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership & Women Living Under Muslim Laws the first two Feminism in the Muslim World Leadership Institutes took place in 1998 in Istanbul, Turkey and in 1999 in Lagos, Nigeria.

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