[empower] women’s activism

Un appel pour signer une pétition: pour la reconnaissance des actes de barbarie dans le meurtre de Ghofrane.
Their interactive website is creating groundswell support for a Fifth Women’s World Conference (5WWC) that in size and influence could be a step toward a change in planetary consciousness through the active involvement of women at all levels of society.
The launching of the Charter of Feminists Principles for African Feminists at the 3rd International Feminist Dialogue marks a major contribution by the African Feminist Forum (AFF) and the larger feminist movement to the on-going world social forum.
The Salma Sobhan Memorial Lecture was delivered at the National Museum's auditorium as part of the 20th founding anniversary celebration of Ain O Salish Kendra, a legal rights organisation. Salma Sobhan was one of the nine founders of the Kendra.
"Agency, Inequality and Human Rights" by Amartya Sen.
In this new book, Margot Badran poses the questions, "Islamic feminism. What is it? Where did it arise? From within or from without? Is it "legitimate"? What are its aims?"
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