[empower] women’s activism

"War is the ugliest thing that people can experience," said Fatima Galiani, a courageous woman activist who has spent more than 25 years rebuilding ruined Afghanistan from a devastating war.
Bangladesh is often portrayed as a place where women are victimised and subordinated by Islam. Fundamentalist outrage against writer Tasleema Nasreen has reinforced this image. But Bangladesh also has a very vibrant and strong women's movement.
Rahima is a Muslim organization that advocates women's equality based on modern and democratic ideas. Instead of traveling from conference to conference, Rahima members prefer to work at the grassroots level.
Thousands of people crowded the airport and waited along the highway to welcome home Dr. Shirin Ebadi when she returned to Iran upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize.
The award focuses on women activists, journalists, and artists (individuals or groups) who work at the grassroots level with socially marginalized peoples in order to create a 21st century free from war and discrimination against women.
Details of the 'Campaign for the Protection of Women's Human Rights' relating to the issue of women in the East of Sri Lanka not being able to work in NGOs.
As women who have always been committed to the principles of non-discrimination and of equality, we have noted with grave concern, the controversy around women working in non-governmental sector in the Eastern province.
In Bangladesh, Islamist organisations exploit rumours of loose lifestyles abroad to tarnish the image of migrant women in general.
AWID's Kathambi Kinoti interviews Charlotte Bunch, Executive Director of the Center for Women's Global Leadership on the current United Nations reform drive, and what it means for women.
At this year's CSW, WEDO and the other groups expressed their disappointment and outrage that gender equality and strengthening the women's machineries within the U.N. system are still not being addressed as a central part of the U.N. reform agenda.
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