[empower] women’s activism

Armed with Quranic texts that emphasize equality, justice and compassion, Sisters in Islam advocates new interpretations of the Quran which are more supportive of women's rights.
Sometimes it seems that Zainah Anwar — articulate, a little brassy, a presence wherever she goes — single-handedly keeps the flame for women's rights alive in Malaysia, a country that portrays itself as the model of a progressive Muslim society.
Since the fall of Saddam Hussein, Iraq has seen a proliferation of female journalists and radio programs focused on women's issues. Three female talk show hosts visited New York to hone their skills with U.S. talk radio pros.
We are delighted to hear that Shirkat Gah, the WLUML Asia regional coordination office has launched their new website.
Surveying the most recent developments in Islamic feminism, Margot Badran finds an increasingly dynamic global phenomenon that is as varied as it is radical.
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