[empower] women’s activism

We are pleased to announce the blog launch for Changing Masculinities, Changing Communities. The blog is an activity pertaining to the project implemented by The Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute (DEDI) in cooperation with the Danish Center for Information on Gender, Equality and Ethnicity (KVINFO) in 2010 titled Changing Masculinities, Changing Communities, facilitating the meeting of a group of Egyptian and Danish activists, artists, academics and social workers in Cairo and Copenhagen whose work involves an exploration and awareness of masculinity as a crucial factor in the construction of social relations and its impact on communities. 

International human rights organization Equality Now welcomes the AAP's decision to withdraw its ill-conceived revised policy statement on female genital mutilation (FGM) issued on April 26, 2010. The new policy statement essentially promoted Type IV FGM, as categorized by the World Health Organization (WHO), and suggested that federal and state laws might be more effective if they "enabled pediatricians to reach out to families by offering a 'ritual nick'." In a release issued today, the AAP stated that it has "retired" its 2010 revised statement on FGM, is opposed to "all forms of female genital cutting" and "does not endorse the practice of offering a 'clitoral nick'. Update on United States: AAP Policy Statement on FGM 'ill-advised'

La lettre adressée au président a été publiée sur le quotidien  « Le Soir d’Algérie » : Monsieur le Président de la République, Une fois de plus, une fois de trop, des femmes travailleuses, habitant des quartiers déshérités à Hassi Messaoud, ont été sauvagement agressées sans que les services de sécurité leur aient porté le secours et l’assistance exigés par la Constitution et les lois de notre République, tout autant que par les Pactes internationaux ratifiés par l’Algérie.

En Algérie, lorsqu'une femme est violée, c'est "une pute". Lorsqu'elle porte plainte, c'est "une manipulée". C'est assurément le raisonnement de l'ambassade d'Algérie qui, une fois de plus, choisit le déni. Près de 200 personnes se rassemblaient ce 10 mai 2010 aux abords de l'ambassade, pour demander à Alger de protéger enfin les femmes de Hassi Messaoud, victimes depuis près de 10 ans de lynchages, de viols, d'agressions multiples.

Le centre Nejma pour les femmes victimes de violences de l’Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc ADFM à publié le premier numéro de son bulletin électronique "Nejma News". Accèder au bulletin

UK Feminista's states that its mission is to get as many people as possible actively campaigning for a world where women and men live as equals. In the UK alone, 100,000 women are raped every year, women are paid 23% less than men, and just 22% of MPs are women. For too long, the myth has persisted that we live in a 'post-feminist' age - and the struggle for gender equality assumed to be over. But the times they are a-changin'. Feminism is stepping out from the margins and reclaiming its position as one of the most important movements for social justice of our age.

Religious women make change happen, whether it’s by seeking peace or inciting war. Strong beliefs can inspire social justice or block a woman's access to freedom or equality. Join the International Museum of Women as they explore the relationship between faith and politics in the lives of women around the world. 

Welcome to AWID’s new online portal that brings together young feminists working on gender equality and women’s rights all over the world. The idea is simple: we believe in the powerful opportunities the internet presents for activists today. This Wire is a resource for feminists of all genders and ages, especially young women.

The WLUML network is saddened to learn of the passing of friend, ally and inspirational feminist human rights lawyer Rhonda Copeland, who died on 6 May 2010 after a long battle with cancer.  She was a professor at the CUNY School of Law, a practicing human rights attorney with and Vice-President of the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) who broke new ground opening U.S. federal courts and international tribunals to gender-based violence and international human rights violations. She worked closely with the WLUML network around issues of having women’s rights recognized as human rights by the United Nations, and around a groundbreaking lawsuit on behalf of nine individuals and the Rassemblement Algerien des Femmes Democrates (RAFD) against the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) of Algeria and its leader. The case charged the FIS with war crimes and crimes against humanity, including assassination, rape and torture. 

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