[empower] women’s activism

WE DO NOT OBEY: More women follow Ilana Hammerman`s footsteps: we shall not obey illegal and immoral laws. On Friday, July 23, we went on a trip - a dozen Jewish-Israeli women with a dozen West-Bank Palestinian women and four of their children, one of them a baby. We drove through the interior hill country (`Shfela`) and toured Tel Aviv and Yaffa together. We ate at a restaurant, bathed in the sea and had a great time on the beach. We returned via Jerusalem and watched its Old City from afar. 

Shiva Nazar-Ahari, a journalist and human rights defender who had already spent 9 months in Evin prison, was scheduled to appear in court on May 23, 2010 on charges of propagation against the regime for her work with the Committee of Human Rights Reporters (CHRR), as well as allegations of acting against national security because of her participation in gatherings on November 4th and December 7th, 2009. A member of the “One Million Signature” campaign for women’s rights, Nazar-Ahari was arrested at her home shortly after Iran’s June 2009 presidential election. She was released for a short time in September on $200,000 bail, but her freedom did not last long. In December 2009 she was again arrested, this time as she was on the way to attend the funeral ceremony of Ayatollah Hossein Montazeri.  Despite consistent pressure from Iranian authorities, she had denied all charges brought against her and had paid the price of defiance by spending most of her prison term in solitary confinement.

This is an update to the January 2010 WLUML Statement on charges against Imrana Jalal: Women Living Under Muslim Laws warmly welcomes the July 30th decision by Justice Priyantha Fernando of the Fiji High Court to stay the remaining charge against Fijian human rights lawyer and longtime WLUML networker Imrana Jalal. Along with the rest of the international human rights movement, WLUML will now be closely watching the treatment of Justice Priyantha Fernando to make sure that he is not subject to adverse consequences of any kind for his appropriate ruling in this case. We note that according to the UN Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, “it is the duty of all governmental and other institutions to respect and observe the independence of the judiciary.”

La LDIF (Ligue du Droit International des Femmes) et le MPCT (Mouvement pour la Paix et Contre le Terrorisme) organisait le 24 juillet 2010 à 14h une remise de lettre à l’ambassade d’Iran pour demander que Sakineh ne soit ni lapidée ni pendue. Enquête & Débat était la seule équipe journalistique présente.

The Protection Project at The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, in cooperation with the Alexandria University Faculty of Law in Alexandria, Egypt, will be hosting a conference on “Women’s Rights in Egypt and Arab States,” which will take place December 1 – 2, 2010 at the Helnan Palestine Hotel in Alexandria, Egypt. The conference will bring together professors of law, religion and social sciences and representatives from NGOs and other elements of civil society to discuss a broad array of topics related to the rights of women in the Arab world, including Islamic law, personal status and family laws, and labor and political rights, among others.

Al-Jazeera's Arabic channel takes pride of place among Middle East's satellite news outlets. It was the first of its kind, broadcasting – ostensibly with an unprecedented level of editorial independence – to a pan-Arab audience. It broke taboos and shocked audiences by hosting guests on debate shows who attacked the hitherto unassailable: the Saudi royal family, the Palestinian Authority and the Muslim clergy. In 2006, the channel even helped launch the infamous Wafa Sultan's career when she was a guest on The Opposite Direction.

Armed only with the Camera, Iranian feminist and filmmaker, Mahboubeh Abbasgholizadeh, has documented the lives of women enmeshed in the country’s political issues such as the legitimacy of Almadinejad’s regime, women and the family law and stoning on grounds of adultery. She was once more arrested last 20 December 2009 while on her way to the funeral of Ayatollah Montazeri.

This weekend one year will have gone by since the Iranian people took to the streets in droves to protest at the fraudulent elections that returned Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the presidency. These peaceful demonstrations were met with extreme violence carried out by the Iranian regime. Since that day, the people have not backed down and continue to fight peacefully for basic human rights. Meanwhile, the government continues its crackdown on any opposition or dissent with ever increasing brutality.

دعت الكاتبة الصحافية بجريدة "القبس" الكويتية دلع المفتي المرأة العربية إلى أن تسعى للتسلح بالعلم والتنوير والثقافة لتذب بها عن نفسها أمراض سطوة الرجل عليها ونظرته الدونية لها في المجتمعات العربية، ومحاولات البعض العودة بها إلى الخلف كلما تسارعت إلى الأمام، مشيرة إلى أن خوف الرجل الشرقي من ذلك التقدم هو مبعثه لمحاولة عرقلتها. وأعربت المفتي عن استيائها البالغ من أسلوب تعاطي الإعلام العربي مع قضايا المرأة، مؤكدة أنه يهتم بسيقانها لا بالتنادي بحقوقها واحترام فكرها.

يسعدنا دعوتكم للمشاركة في الحوار والجدل حول الرجولة المتغيرة وذلك من خلال المدونة الخاصة بمشروع الرجولة المتغيرة، المجتمعات المحلية المتغيرة. وهذا الحوار الالكتروني هو أحد أنشطة المشروع الذي ينفذه المعهد الدنماركي المصري للحوار(ديدي) بالتعاون مع المركز الدنماركي للمعلومات عن النوع والمساواة والعرق (كفينفو) بعنوان "الرجوله المتغيرة، المجتمعات المحلية المتغيرة".

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