[empower] women’s activism

C'est une copie d'un texte original de Gender Equality for Iran: "En Iran, le mouvement des femmes est, depuis ces trente dernières années, à l’avant-garde de la lutte pour la démocratie. Comme les discriminations sexistes sont en lien étroit avec d’autres discriminations : sociales, politiques, religieuses et ethniques, la résistance pacifique des femmes, leur lutte contre les violences et les discriminations impactent de manière conséquente le développement des mouvements démocratiques au sein de la société iranienne. Depuis de nombreuses années, avec l’organisation de différentes campagnes et leurs revendications pour l’égalité, les femmes iraniennes marchent sur le chemin de la liberté. Dans ce processus, elles subissent la répression : insultes, violences, arrestations et emprisonnements. Nombreuses sont celles aujourd’hui emprisonnées.

In the lead-up to the 28 January London Conference on Afghanistan hosted by the UK Government, Afghan women human rights defenders today released strong, specific recommendations on security, development and governance priorities for their country. These recommendations provide the only concrete input from consultation with Afghan women into the key decisions affecting the future of their country that will be set in London by international actors.

This is a copy of an original text that can be found on the Gender Equality for Iran website here. "We (a group of Iranian feminists and women’s rights activists) demand an end to state-led violence and repression, as well as the immediate release of all political detainees in Iran. We invite all women’s rights defenders, activists, organisations, and networks worldwide to demonstrate their solidarity with the Iranian women’s movement and the broader movement for democracy in Iran by organising initiatives under the slogan “freedom and gender equality in Iran” throughout March 2010. 

We are the organizations and activist the founders of the “Alliance of 149”, which targeting to reform article 149 embedded in the criminal law of 1991. This article is defined as rape; one of the ugliest crimes that violates the privacy of human being and has consequences that correlates the victim in all his life.

A large-scale study currently underway across Malaysia uncovers proof that polygamy harms everyone involved: from emotionally scarred children, to wives who think they’d be better off as single-parent households, and even husbands who admit “I wouldn’t recommend it for my son; it’s quite stressful.”

غادة جمشير / رئيسة ما عرف ب ( العريضة النسائية ) , والناشطة في مجال حقوق الإنسان وتمكين المرأة في البحرين , تتعرض ومنذ سنوات الى شتى صنوف المضايقات والاضطهاد من القوى الرجعية المتحكمة في بلدها البحرين , وقد صدر في عام 2007 م تعميم من وزير الديوان الملكي في البحرين الى جميع وسائل الإعلام المرئية والمقروءة والمسموعة بمنع نشر أبّ شيء لها , وفي نفس الوقت يشنّ الرجعيون والظلاميون الحملات المتتالية على المناضلة غادة جمشير .

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), in partnership with the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) and UNESCO, and in collaboration with the Observatory of diversity and cultural rights (Fribourg – Switzerland), proposes the holding of a seminar on the parametres of, issues arising from, and challenges posed by cultural rights.

Naming a woman as the next secretary general of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) will solve the standoff between Qatar and the other GCC states over the name of the next official for the top post, a Saudi activist and columnist has said. “Since there seems to be a crisis that is likely to prolong over the name of the top official, the possible solution I see is to choose a female secretary-general with a high academic and diplomatic profile. I do not think that selecting a qualified woman will cause opposition since there are many women who have recently held high political positions,” Hatoon Al Fassi, an expert on women’s rights and a columnist with a Saudi newspaper, wrote.

In an unusual display of female political activism, several hundred demonstrators demand that President Hamid Karzai purge those connected to corruption, war crimes or the Taliban. Several hundred women, many holding aloft pictures of relatives killed by drug lords or Taliban militants, held a loud but nonviolent street protest today, demanding that President Hamid Karzai purge from his government anyone connected to corruption, war crimes or the Taliban. "These women are being very brave," said the protest leader, her face hidden by a burka. "To be a woman in Afghanistan and an activist can mean death. We want justice for our loved ones!

Surnommée la Gandhi sahraouie, la militante a reçu de nombreuses distinctions internationales dédiées aux droits de l'homme. Expulsée du Maroc le 13 novembre, elle est en grève de la faim aux Canaries où elle s'est retrouvée contre son gré.  L'émergence, ces dernières années, de personnalités sahrouies comme Aminatou Haidar fait mal au régime marocain. Ces "activistes de l'intérieur", nouvelles références de la jeunesse sahraouie, se démarquent de la posture "guerrière" du Front Polisario en concentrant leur action sur la situation des droits de l'homme au Sahara-Occidental.

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