"Une cinquantaine de manifestants ont été arrêtés et huit autres blessés lundi à Harare alors qu'ils tentaient de se rendre à un mini-sommet régional pour réclamer la mise en place d'un gouvernement d'union nationale."
"Iranian intelligence agents detained Esha Momeni, an activist in the One Million Signature Campaign and a graduate student doing research for her thesis on the Iranian women's movement, on 15 October 2008."
On 29 September, a court in Biskra sentenced 6 men to 4 years in prison and a 1000 euro fine, for eating in public during the fasting hours of Ramadan. The verdict has since been overturned and the prisoners have been freed.
Les 6 hommes condamnés le 29 septembre 2008 à 4 ans de prison ferme assortis de 100 000 DA d’amende pour « non-respect d’un fondement de l’Islam » ont été acquittés hier par le tribunal pénal près la cour de justice de Biskra.
Secularism Is A Women's Issue - Alerte Action Urgente - Campagne internationale. Demandons la libération immédiate des condamnés et la révision du procès!
According to information received from the city of Sanandaj, women activists of the One Million Signatures Campaign Ronak Safarzadeh, Hana Abdi, and Fatemeh Goftari, have lost three weeks of visiting rights and transferred to solitary confinement.
Reporters Without Borders today voiced its deep concern about an upsurge in fatwas (religious decrees) calling for the murder of journalists in the Arab and Muslim world.