
Résumé des faits: 30 septembre 2005 le quotidien conservateur danois Jyllands-Posten publie 12 caricatures du Prophète Mahomet: s'ensuivent des demandes d'excuses, des menaces de mort et des manifestations à Copenhague.
Suite à la publication des caricatures touchant à la personne du Prophète, pour des raisons probablement malintentionnées, la réaction de certains musulmans se situe au-delà du surréalisme.
Following the publication of cartoons portraying the person of the Prophet, drawn for reasons of their own that may be malignant, the reaction of some Muslims is beyond surrealism.
Marieme Hélie-Lucas responds to a recent article by Jehad Aliweiwi & Tarek Fatah published in the Toronto Star, 'The reality of democracy - By respecting the democratic wishes of the people, Ottawa can help Hamas evolve into a mainstream political party.'
A listing of over 3,000 scholars from all over the world and from all disciplines whose work focuses on a wide range of issues (economic, social, political, religious, artistic, etc.) relevant to women in Muslim countries and communities.
a comprehensive guide to organizing hearings and tribunals is now available as the first online publication of the Center.
News organizations report that Osama bin Laden has obtained a religious edict from a misguided Saudi cleric, justifying the use of nuclear weapons against America and the infliction of mass casualties.
This exhibition looks at the diversities and commonalities of women’s dress through space and time, highlighting the influence of many forces – class, status, region, work, religious interpretation, ethnicity, urban/rural, politics, fashion, climate etc.
More popular than Oprah Winfrey, the world's first Islamic television evangelist commands an army of millions of followers.
Nous, les femmes des Etats-Unis, de l'Iraq et du monde, nous en avons assez de cette guerre insensée en Iraq et des attaques cruelles qui ont lieu contre les civils autour du monde.
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