International: Women testify: a planning guide for popular tribunals and hearings

Center for Women's Global Leadership
a comprehensive guide to organizing hearings and tribunals is now available as the first online publication of the Center.
CWGL's extensive experience in organizing hearings during its 16 year history, notably the 1993 Global Tribunal on Violations of Women's Human Rights held at the UN World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna and the Global Campaign for Women’s Human Rights in 1998, provide a basis for the guide and offer a detailed outline of plans and actions to help in organizing a successful event.
Women Testify includes step-by-step information on:
  • Developing & structuring the program
  • Defining the roles of all participants
  • Selecting testifiers, advisors, & commentators
  • Planning effective media strategies
  • Recording & documenting the hearing
  • Providing seamless logistical support
  • Following up after the hearing
Appendices include CWGL tribunals/hearings, testimonies, sample press release, and task list.

This is a must-have guide for those who want to hold an effective tribunal/hearing.

Visit their website to access this wonderful resource.