
When it is important to celebrate women's existence & acknowledge their struggles and activism, it may also be worthwhile to look at how crimes against them are trivialized by traditionally & culturally reinforced notions of honour, rather than justice.
Canada has just been the battle field for Muslim fundamentalists trying to impose religious arbitration in family matters.

In November/December 2005, the International Coordinating Committee of the International Campaign on Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRD-ICC) held an International Consultation to bring together WHRDs from different countries worldwide. Nearly 200 male and female women’s rights and human rights activists from approximately 70 countries worldwide gathered in Colombo, Sri Lanka to attend this historic global gathering on women human rights defenders.

'Inter-Religious Marriages Among Muslims: Negotiating Religious and Social Identity in Family and Community' is edited by Abdullahi A. An-Na'im.
A video tribute to all women human rights defenders who have been killed in defense of human rights and to many women activists and defenders of women's rights who continue to advocate for the realisation of all human rights for all.
In the past two decades a significant amount of work has been done looking at the AIDS epidemic in Sub Saharan Africa, Asia, Europe and north America. However, relatively little has been done in Muslim areas, especially Arab Muslim countries in MENA.
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