
Profitant de l’affaire des caricatures, des islamistes ont engagé une bataille pour le rétablissement du délit de blasphème. Un très grand nombre de représentants cléricaux leur ont emboîté le pas.
This manual was developed in response to the need for training and a methodology relating to prevention, investigations, support and collaboration related to honour crimes.
An international women’s human rights organization advocating for gender-inclusive justice and working towards an effective and independent International Criminal Court (ICC).
Le XXIe siècle sera religieux ou ne sera pas. Tout le monde ressasse cette formule, apocryphe et prophétique, prêtée sans cesse à Malraux.
In a move influenced by Egypt and the Organization of Islamic Conferences (OIC) the two organizations were arbitrarily dismissed in a joint motion put to the NGO committee by Iran, Sudan and their newest ally, the United States.
AWID interviews Stephen Barris from the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) - an organisation that was recently denied consultative status at the UN.
The Organisation of Islamic Countries has denounced calls for the death of the Danish cartoonist. OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu said in Pakistan that the calls were un-Islamic and urged Muslims to refrain from violent protests.
Affirmons notre soutien de principe a la liberté de la presse de traiter, même avec humour, de tous les sujets concernant tous les systèmes de pensée, religieux ou non.
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