
For more than two decades, feminists have discussed the impact and mechanics of extreme right politico-religious forces and shared strategies of resistance against fundamentalisms. But, as feminists, we have yet to develop a coherent analysis of the concrete alternatives. Yet we need such an analysis in order to move beyond resistance and be more pro-active in our advocacy for an alternative vision of society.


by: Cassandra Balchin
«Aux racismes, aux communautarismes, aux exclusions nous opposons la lutte contre toutes les discriminations. C'est cela notre conception de la laïcité.»
Their interactive website is creating groundswell support for a Fifth Women’s World Conference (5WWC) that in size and influence could be a step toward a change in planetary consciousness through the active involvement of women at all levels of society.
Since the late 1980s, Israel and Syria have allowed a small number of Golan Druze to cross the frontier on religious pilgrimages or to study. Women can also cross in both directions to get married - but they cannot cross back.
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