
Près de 300 femmes d'une trentaine de nationalités s'apprêtent à rallier à vélo, à partir du 6 avril, Beyrouth à Jérusalem, pour la paix.'s short video debunks the rhetoric of a 'Clash of Civilizations', stating the problem "isn’t culture, it’s politics...This clash is not inevitable and we don't want it."
On the occasion of International Women's Day, Kurdish Women's Rights Watch (KWRW) has launched its website:
"One of the most profitable sources of wealth for imperialist powers is war. Currently, most of the world population is either living under the condition of war in Asia, Africa and the Middle East or in a 'state of war,' as in Iran, Europe and N. America"
An open letter from Nobel Peace Prize Laureates on the need to end discriminatory practices against women.
Journée Internationale des Femmes: un jour pendant lequel les femmes du monde entier célèbrent leur émancipation et luttent contre ce qui freine cette libération.
Mohammad Akram Nadwi, a 43-year-old Sunni alim, or religious scholar, has rediscovered a long-lost tradition of Muslim women teaching the Qur'an, transmitting hadith (deeds and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) and even making Islamic law as jurists.

Discussions covered interpretation and jurisprudence, foundational myths, the process of Muslim jurisprudence relating to women in the family and women in society, and action and strategies. According to participants, the need for women to review the process of interpretation and claim their right to interpret arises out of the realities of women’s lives and the myth that there is one way of being in the Muslim world.

Cette publication est une transcription des travaux de la Réunion sur les Interprétations du Coran par les Femmes en 1990. Elle présente les analyses et le travail élaboré par des groupes de militantes actives, des érudites en droit musulman, des juristes et des historiennes de la jurisprudence. Leur effort de critique fondamentale entame le processus d'une nouvelle approche de l'interprétation coranique, réaffirmant le droit des femmes à lire et interpréter le Coran pour elles-mêmes.

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