
"Les hommes préposés à ce mariage à caractère militant, devraient disposer de moyens économiques et s’engager par contrat à prendre en charge tous les membres de la famille du martyr et non pas quelques uns seulement."
The latest survey of American Muslims won't reassure their fellow citizens.
Le Dr Hamid, a été membre de la Jemaah Islamiya, un groupe terroriste islamiste. Il est aujourd’hui médecin et musulman réformiste libéral. Il vit en Occident.
MPV seeks to bring together progressive Muslims and others who share their values to work for a more humane world.
A landmark study released today by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) connects widespread discriminatory views against women in Botswana and Swaziland to sexual risk-taking and, in turn, to extremely high HIV prevalence.
The Yayori Award focuses on women activists, journalists, and artists who work at the grassroots level with socially marginalized peoples in order to create a 21st century free from war and discrimination against women.
The fight against one epidemic - HIV/AIDS - cannot be won without tackling another epidemic - gender-based violence.
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