State control

Mohamed Sifaoui, journaliste, écrivain et réalisateur Algérien exilé en France a été violemment agressé par des islamistes à Paris le vendredi 13 juin. Motif? Son inlassable et courageux combat contre les intégristes et pour la laïcité. Depuis 2003 il bénéficiait d'une protection policière mais depuis 6 mois elle le lui a été retirée.
Six leaders of a group managing the Baha'i community's religious and administrative affairs in Iran were arrested at their homes by officers from the Ministry of Intelligence on 14 May 2008, and are now detained in Evin Prison in Tehran. A seventh person, acting secretary for the group, Mahvash Sabet, has been in detention since 5 March. The Baha'i community has long been persecuted by the Iranian government, especilly since the Iranian Revolution.
According to the information received, on June 18, 2008, Ms. Hana Abdi was sentenced to a prison term of five years on charges of “gathering and collusion to threaten national security”, for her peacful defence of human rights.
Police in Iran have begun a new campaign against Western-style clothing and hairstyles.
On June 12th, the occasion of the National Day of Solidarity of Iranian Women, nine women’s rights activists were arrested outside of the Rahe Abrisham Gallery just prior to a small, peaceful assembly planned to commemorate the day.
On Monday 3 June 2008, the Women’s Minister of the Bougainville Autonomous Government was sacked from her Cabinet position. Magdalene Toroansi was the lone voice in the Cabinet to oppose President Kabui’s signature to a mining contract with Canadian mining company, Invincible which would reopen the Panguna Mine in Central Bougainville, taking 70 per cent of the profits offshore.
Mme Cherifa Kheddar a reçu un arreté du Wali (prefet) signé du 31 mai dans lequel on lui signifie qu'elle est dessaisie du poste supérieur (ne pas confondre avec cadre supérieur): elle garde son poste d'administrateur mais elle est rétrogradée puisque son poste budgétaire a été supprimée; de ce fait son salaire va être amputée (la fiche de paie ne lui est pas encore parvenu et nous attendons le virement de son salaire).
"En faisant adopter l'amendement au Parlement, l'AKP s'était défendu en faisant valoir que l'interdiction du voile, imposée après le putsch militaire de 1980, contrevenait à la liberté de conscience et au droit à l'éducation."
Two liberal theologians have taken Turkey’s most famous Islamic clothes designer to court, alleging the couturier is exploiting religion for personal profit. The case is highlighting the growing tension between Islam and the country’s market economy.
A powerful state body regulating the role of Islam in Turkey has come under fire over an article on sexual behaviour that equated flirting with adultery and condemned women for wearing perfume.
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