State control

Islamic MPs are obliging Education Minister Nouriya Al-Sabeeh and Housing Minister Moudhi Al-Homoud to wear hijabs during parliamentary sessions in implementation of Islamic rules and regulations.
L'état des lieux en matière de respect du droit des femmes à l'éducation est désastreux au Niger, dix ans après l'adoption, par le gouvernement, d'une Loi d'orientation du système éducatif national (LOSEN) révèle une étude consacrée à cette question.
The Africa Democracy Forum (ADF), a World Movement regional network of over 450 democracy and human rights organization throughout Africa, has issued a statement (below) condemning the coup d'etat in Mauritania.
All chapters of Women’s Action Forum (WAF) express their deepest shock and concern in the case of Dr. Afia Siddiqui, a Pakistani citizen who disappeared from Karachi in 2003 along with her 3 children, one only month old.
L'Association des Femmes Chefs de Famille (AFCF) and calls for the restoration of constitutional government in Mauritania.
"In the rush to be tolerant or sensitive to religious difference, the space is created for the most reactionary and even fundamentalist religious leaders to take control."
Ambassadeur itinérant du cinéma égyptien et arabe, dont il est l’auteur le plus prolifique, Chahine se trouve depuis lundi dernier dans le coma après une hémorragie cérébrale qui a nécessité son transfert en France.
A report on the Muslim minority community in Laos, by Yoginder Sikand.
Reporters sans frontières demande aux autorités de cesser la répression qu'elles exercent à l'encontre des responsables de publications défendant les droits des femmes en Iran.
The One Million Signatures Campaign has reported several actions against Iranian women’s rights activists during the past week, including the arrest of one women's rights defender, indicating increased pressure against the women’s rights movement.
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