State control

The Observatory has been informed by reliable sources about the release on bail of Ms. Esha Momeni, a member of the One Million Signatures Petition Campaign and a graduate student at the California State University Northridge.
60 économistes iraniens ont dénoncé dans une lettre publiée par les grands quotidiens de Téhéran, les tensions entretenues par le président M. Ahmadinejad avec les pays occidentaux et leurs conséquences, qualifiées de «critiques», sur l’économie nationale
An ominous dressing down from Islamists MPs concerned about "indecent outfits" has forced organisers of an international volleyball tournament to cancel a women's exhibition match.
Riot police in Harare, on the morning of Monday 27 October, descended on hundreds of women who were peacefully protesting over the delayed conclusion of the peace talks between Zimbabwe’s three major political parties.
"Une cinquantaine de manifestants ont été arrêtés et huit autres blessés lundi à Harare alors qu'ils tentaient de se rendre à un mini-sommet régional pour réclamer la mise en place d'un gouvernement d'union nationale."
"Iranian intelligence agents detained Esha Momeni, an activist in the One Million Signature Campaign and a graduate student doing research for her thesis on the Iranian women's movement, on 15 October 2008."
Some 15,000 Palestinians who married Israeli citizens in the past decade are illegal or temporary residents. Their lives and those of their families have become "unstable," according to non-governmental organisations.
After 23-years at the helm of Reporters sans Frontières (Reporters without Borders), Robert Ménard (55) is moving to Qatar, where he will be heading the Doha Centre for Media Freedom (DCMF).
MAP rapporte que des femmes membres du Parlement marocain se sont réunies afin de mettre la pression pour obtenir une plus grande représentation des femmes à l'occasion des élections communales de 2009.
The Iranian regime has stepped up its campaign against human rights defender and Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi.
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