
An update from the Women's Rehabilitation Center (WOREC) on the ongoing activities of forming WHRD networks, an essential component of the WHRD National Campaign.
The first woman-led mixed prayer was held by Pamela Taylor in Toronto, Canada on 8 March 2007.
La plus rebelle des écrivaines algériennes use de mots simples pour se raconter.
"Faut-il avoir peur des interpellations, des arrestations, des interrogatoires, de la prison, des amendes, des flagellations ou de longues peines de prison, pour nous tous, ou bien faut-il résister dans cet espace clôturé et faire entendre notre voix?"
In July 2007, Pratibha Patil was elected India's first woman president.
Comment parler des femmes et de l’islam sans tomber dans les clichés? Le défi est de taille. Pourtant, la jeune réalisatrice sénégalaise Angèle Diabang Brener (28 ans), diplômée du Forut Média Centre de Dakar, l’a relevé avec succès.
Though Qatari nationals account for only around 12 per cent of the total labour force, more Qatari women are working outside the home.
Muslim women, who will meet in Malaysia later this year, are pursuing a 10-year plan for advancing women's worldwide leadership within Islam.
Women in the western city of Herat are flocking to literacy classes, which are transforming their lives.
"Human Rights Watch holds that internet empowers people in the exercise of their right “to seek, receive and impart information and ideas regardless of frontiers” and in the Arab region...the increase of users is one of the strongest in the world."
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