
This handbook, written by Global Fund staff, explores key ideas about raising money to fund women's rights work. It is especially designed for first-time fundraisers and for women's groups in developing countries.
Positions available in the Palestinian Women's Research & Documentation Centre, Bethlehem University, and the Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling.
''Non-availability of female teachers is a major factor often cited by parents for keeping girls away from school.''
About 50 representatives from across Muslim Asia called for greater understanding and more decisive action on HIV & AIDS in Sri Lanka in mid-August.
WLUML founding member Farida Shaheed discusses the campaign to end stoning in Iran.
"La Tunisie a célébré sa "fête nationale de la femme", une journée chômée marquant la date anniversaire du Code du statut personnel, des lois libérales édictées le 13 août 1956 et gage d'émancipation face au conservatisme islamiste rampant."
"The theme of this year’s Ijtima was “Moslem Women Participation in Good Governance and Decision Making” and drew over 3 000 attendees from Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe."
Appel à participation: Institut des jeunes femmes de l'AWID sur la Résistance et l'Opposition aux Fondamentalismes Religieux, du 18 au 21 novembre 2007, Istanbul, Turquie.
Call for participants to AWID's Young Women’s Institute on Challenging and Resisting Religious Fundamentalisms, November 18th-21st 2007, in Istanbul, Turkey.
Vidéo de YouTube - Collectif "20 ans barakat" / www.algerie-femme.com
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