
‘As I Believe: Freedom of Expression through Art, Music, Culture and Conscience’ - 9 December 2007
Isabella Bakker's report on financing gender equality and empowerment, from the United Nation Division for the Advancement of Women, Expert Group Meeting on Financing for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (4-7 Sep. 07) Download the report here.
“There is another line of defense: if you take these women, there are more behind them. We will be there, and you will hear our voices." - Fariba Davoodi Mohajer
In Nov. 2007, over 100 human rights defenders from some 80 countries gathered in Dublin for the 4th Front Line Platform for Human Rights Defenders. Click for the keynote address from UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Louise Arbour.
Women's support organization KAFA ('enough') in Lebanon participates in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign
From 14-17 November 2008, up to 1500 women's rights leaders and activists from around the world will converge on Cape Town, South Africa at the 11th AWID International Forum to discuss the power of movements. Deadline to apply: 28 Jan 2008
Du 14 au 17 novembre 2008, près de 1500 activistes des droits des femmes du monde entier se réuniront dans la Ville du Cap, en Afrique du Sud, pour le 11 Forum International de l'AWID pour de discuter sur le pouvoir des mouvements sociaux.
"The fact that I am a Muslim woman is incidental when it comes to this process. I'm judged based on the success I've had as a songwriter, the body of work I have produced and the awards I have won."
A review of the recently published Zed Books/AWID publication: "Building Feminist Movements and Organisations: Global Perspectives", edited by Lydia Alpízar Durán, Noël D. Payne and Anahi Russo.
Sunila Abeysekera, Executive Director of Information Monitor (INFORM), a FORUM-ASIA member organisation based in Sri Lanka, has been chosen for the prestigious Human Rights Watch’s Global Human Rights Defender Award 2007.
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