
Seven years ago, the Taliban would have torn these paintings to pieces. The 93 works show the emotions and images of a war-torn country in which women are still deeply oppressed. They depict war and weaponry, violence, entrapment, hopelessness - and hope.
L'autorisation accordée, la semaine dernière en Egypte, à une femme pour célébrer des mariages musulmans et prononcer des divorces a provoqué un débat autour du rôle de la femme dans les institutions islamiques.
"Wazhma Frogh, an Afghan, uses her religion to press for women's rights – and development agencies take note."
Amal Soliman has become Egypt's first woman able to perform Muslim marriages.
Turkey is preparing to publish a document that represents a revolutionary reinterpretation of Islam - and a controversial and radical modernisation of the religion.
Vient de sortir de presse un nouveau numéro de la revue «Alternatives Sud»: État des résistances dans le Sud - 2008.
The film "Football Under Cover" turned out to be the surprise tip of this year's Berlin Film Festival. It tells the story behind the meeting between a multicultural women's soccer club from Berlin and the Iranian national women's team.
Women's human rights defender Parvin Ardalan has received the Olof Palme Prize for 2007.
"Making Our Streets Safe for Everyone"
حملة "مـــن أجـل شـــارع آمــن للـجـمـيــع"
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