
60 years have passed since the independence from British rule; but have Sri Lankan women really been liberated? Direct link to the PDF image of the "We, Women" press advertisement, published in the Sri Lankan Daily Mirror on 5th Feb. 2008.
Tuesday, 12 February 2008: join in the celebration of the Pakistani women's movement in Karachi.
Mariz Tadros considers the modern Egyptian women's movement and the obstacles it faces.
The Intercultural Dialogue can be a good mechanism to voice, expose & condemn those practices that violate women’s rights and silence women’s voices. Intercultural dialogue and diversity of culture should be promoted in a way that respects women’s rights.
Un projet dont le but est de constituer un réseau de femmes journalistes des deux rives de la Méditerranée.
Center for Women's Global Leadership (CWGL) is a partner in this UDHR60 NGO campaign and will be participating with a special focus on the month of March, using International Women’s Day as an anchor. Get involved!
À l’heure où l’on s’interroge sur l’« intégration » des Musulmans, on se surprend à devoir rappeler que la France et l’Islam entretiennent, depuis l’époque moderne sinon le Moyen-Âge, d’étroites relations, faites de conflits autant que de fusions.
Le Collectif Resisting Women - Femmes en Résistance vous Propose une Rencontre autour du Livre 'Le Coran et les femmes: Une lecture de libération'.
Women’s rights activists in the Kingdom are eagerly anticipating the establishment of Ansar Al-Marah — the first civil society dedicated to supporting women’s rights in Saudi Arabia.
The Anfal decision, as it is known, named six of Saddam's highest officials as responsible for the genocidal campaign that left hundreds of Kurdish people dead. It also designated rape as a form of torture.
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