
By providing news and information on Iranian female athletes, Sohirzanan strives to make visible the important contribution that women are making to the world of sports.
President Nicolas Sarkozy's new government lineup gives a fresh nod to France's ethnic diversity, with a Muslim feminist and a young woman of Senegalese origin taking junior minister posts.
Curieusement, les historiens n’ont jamais étudié la tournée de conférences que Louise Michel donna, fin 1904, en Algérie. Le livre de Clotilde Chauvin, publié par les éditions Libertaires, répare cet oubli.
The Middle East Centre for Women's Rights is a registered UK charity which aims to expose and eliminate all forms of violations of women’s rights within the Middle Eastern communities in the UK and in Middle Eastern countries.
Male and female activists from throughout Serbia participated in the Women in Black “Women, Peace, and Activism’ seminar held May 18-20, 2007 in Totovo Selo in Vojvodina.
Thursday was Mother's Day in Afghanistan, and from house to house went the call for women to gather in what some say is the first such public prayer event by women in Kandahar.
Michael Slackman assesses the status of Algerian women.
Are you an emerging activist, researcher or networker? Tell us what you're doing! The deadline is 3 July, 2007.
A 'Women's Panorama' will include workshops, film screenings and discussions, designed to “celebrate the achievements of Swahili Women - Past and Present”.
How can peace be built? OpenDemocracy.net was at the conference trying to find clues from the Nobel Laureates and the NWI participants. Visit now for podcasts from the Nobel Women’s Initiative in Galway and read the commentary.
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