
"Laleh Bakhtiar had already spent two years working on an English translation of the Koran when she came upon Chapter 4, Verse 34. She nearly dropped the project right then."
The Women Cultural and Social Society announced Tuesday it will organize a free awareness program for women in cooperation with the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and Freedom House organization.
Pelin Esmer raconte l’aventure de cette pièce, de ces villageoises sur les planches, avec un humour et une tendresse qui touchent immanquablement les publics les plus variés.
On the occasion of International Women's Day, Kurdish Women's Rights Watch (KWRW) has launched its website: www.kwrw.org
As the world marked Women's Day on March 8th, the feminist community in Tanzania observed the event in deep activism and militancy: a new generation of activists with feminist values is being developed in the first ever Feminist Activist Institute.
Mohammad Akram Nadwi, a 43-year-old Sunni alim, or religious scholar, has rediscovered a long-lost tradition of Muslim women teaching the Qur'an, transmitting hadith (deeds and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) and even making Islamic law as jurists.
Cairo: Egypt’s top cleric declared yesterday that Islam does not bar women from becoming heads of state, denying press reports that had earlier attributed to him the opposite position.
The launching of the Charter of Feminists Principles for African Feminists at the 3rd International Feminist Dialogue marks a major contribution by the African Feminist Forum (AFF) and the larger feminist movement to the on-going world social forum.
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