
Raid Qusti from Arab News writes, "Something odd is going on in the Grand Mosque in Makkah these days."
One of BAOBAB’s objectives is collaborating with like-minded organizations in mutually agreed campaigns and programmes, such as the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence worldwide.
WLUML recognises that there may be very diverse opinions about the content - and indeed need - for a European Constitution, recently agreed by EU members subject to ratification next year.
The battle for the soul of Islam will be fought by young Muslims - in the West, writes Irshad Manji.
The Algerian government has examined and approved a preliminary draft of amendments to the Family Code (1984).
In September 2003, following allegations of widespread and systematic rape by combatants in the armed conflict in the CAR, Amnesty International (AI) decided to send two researchers to the capital, Bangui, to gather further information.
Chile has become one of the last countries in the world to grant married couples the right to divorce.
On the 10th November 2004 at the Upper Sharia Court Dass, Hajara Ibrahim was discharged by a judgement of the court delivered by Alhaji Mustapaha Umar.
Feminist demands are routinely dismissed by religious conservatives as a ‘western’ ploy to promote dissension.
The adoption in 2000 of Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security is an historic landmark, marking the first time that the Security Council addressed specifically the role and experience of women in the context of armed conflict.