
Salma Sobhan never wanted to be an icon. In fact, she avoided stage lights, but ironically she has become a public figure and now, a year after she left us, she is remembered not only by family and friends, but nationally & internationally by many others.
Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen flew into Dhaka just to award certificates to 32 bright, young women aspiring to come journalists through a programme called the Salma Sobhan Fellowship in Journalism for Women taken up by BRAC and Pratichi Trust.
Three years since the formal end of the war and the removal of the Taliban from power, the situation in Afghanistan continues to threaten the safety, security, and human rights of Afghan citizens, particularly Afghan women.
Rather than helping the people, in a number of areas, troops are intimidating villagers, scaring them away from their villages and then looting their homes, and in several cases, killing alleged separatists who are not armed.
Notes by WLUML networker Faizun Zackariya, based on her visit to the East coast (28-29-30th Dec) especially to the villages of Karativu, Sainthamaruthu, Kalmunai Kudi, Kalmunai, Pandiruppu and Maruthumanai in the Amparai district.
Women's rights groups who have conducted fact-finding missions in the tsunami-affected areas wish to bring to public attention serious issues concerning the safety and wellbeing of women which have not yet been addressed in relief efforts.
Press release by Solidaritas Perempuan (Women's Solidarity for Human Rights)
The report released in December 2004 recommending the use of sharia law in Islamic family disputes in Ontario should send a shiver down the spines of women across the country.
CSFH appeals to donors to ensure that their well-intended donations do not end up in sectarian hands and ensure that this tragedy does not provide another opportunity for communal/hate groups to gain a foothold in a plural society.