
On December 6, 2004, the United Nations General Assembly observes the tenth anniversary of the International Year of the Family, proclaimed to raise awareness and promote policies that improve the well-being of the family.
Police are going through hundreds of files on missing people and suicides to look for signs of "honour crimes".
A letter from the Quick Response Desk of the Special Procedures Branch at OHCHR, Geneva.
On October 2, 2004, the new Family Courts Law, passed in March 2004, has come into effect and 224 Family Courts have opened their doors for the first time.
International Campaign on Women Human Rights Defenders.
In the UK alone, 117 murders are being investigated as 'honour killings'. But over-sensitivity to cultural differences means that many victims are denied the justice that they deserve.
The mission came about following the Uganda state's referral of the situation in the Northern Uganda to the ICC.
MWJHR offers a medium for scholarly debate on various aspects of the question of human rights as it relates to the Muslim World.
America's religious right has scored its first legislative victory since George Bush's re-election by inserting a clause into a spending bill to undermine state laws requiring hospitals to provide abortions.