
The new website examines the advocacy work of the Coalition at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Sheikha Lubna al-Qasimi, a member of the Sharjah royal family, is to take on the key job of economics and planning minister.
Daso Adamu's case was argued on 3rd November 2004.
The UN General Assembly Third Committee resolution titled Working Towards Elimination of Crimes Committed Against Women and Girls in the Name of Honour is adopted this year again at the 59th Session in New York City.
Hajara Ibrahim's case was argued on October 27th 2004.
Among the principles of Security Council Resolution 1325 is that women must have equal participation in the resolution of conflict and in peace processes.
Helem leads a peaceful struggle for the liberation of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community in Lebanon from all sorts of legal, social and cultural discrimination.
The Pakistan government bulldozed the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill 2004 against “honour killings” in the National Assembly and adopted it on 26 October 2004 without any debate amidst opposition walkout.
This publication notes the results of a year long program that aimed to increase awareness of Palestinian women on human rights, violence against women, democracy and the importance of women’s political participation.
Kidnapping and killing is a daily reality in Iraq, but in the west the atrocities go unrecorded and the dead are unnamed.