[empower] capacity building initiatives and materials

"Nous allons tout simplement au delà de la revendication qui est celle portant sur l'égalité des sexes, c´était hier ! Aujourd´hui, nous réclamons des compétences techniques et spécialisées à partir desquelles nous pourrons utiliser des outils efficaces pour amener la volonté politique dans la réalité de tous les secteurs en matière de genre." Citation de la déclaration par SE Madame Awa Ndiaye, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre du Genre et des Relations avec les Associations féminines Africaines et Etrangères - Dakar, Sénégal, 30 Novembre 2010.

“We are moving beyond simply asking for gender equality, that was then! We are now calling for technical and specialized skills to use effective tools in bringing the political will into reality across all sectors in terms of gender” - HE Mrs Awa Ndiaye, Minister of State for Gender and Relations with African and Foreign Women Associations. Dakar, Senegal, on Nov 30, 2010.

"The first film I make when I go back to my village will be about unequal wages women peasants get compared to their male counterparts," says Haseena Mallah, an unlettered farmhand in her 40s. A mother of five, Mallah is one of nine women who attended a two-week filmmaking workshop from Jul. 14–26 in Pakistan’s southern port city of Karachi, some 143 kilometres from her village near Hyderabad. And at the premiere of the engaging 10-minute film they made, entitled ‘Half Face’, these women showed that one does not always have to be technologically savvy – or even literate – to make a documentary. 

Thousands of activists gathered at events in 15 countries on Saturday 9 January in a global coordinated effort, calling on world leaders to take urgent steps to prevent a return to severe and widespread conflict in Sudan. Sudan365 (www.sudan365.org), a year of campaigning for Sudan, has been organised by a coalition of groups including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Save Darfur Coalition, FIDH, Refugees International, Darfur Consortium and Arab Coalition for Darfur. 

The Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) is pleased to announce the 2nd CSBR Sexuality Institute 2009 to be held between August 8 and 16 2009 at the American University of Beirut (AUB) Faculty of Health Sciences in Lebanon.
A new publication discusses entry points and opportunities for engaging men in work on gender equality, focusing on issues of violence, health, fatherhood, the workplace and the need to engage youth.
The Global Rights Maghreb field office, in collaboration with fifteen local NGOs and lawyer partners in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, announces the publication of a Discussion Booklet on strategic use of the marriage contract to promote women’s rights.
Deadline extended for exploratory research on how emerging debates and growing practice of regulating online content might either impede or facilitate different ways women use the internet, and its impact on their sexual expression and sexualities.
La ministre nigériane de la Femme et du Développement social, Mme Salamatu Suleiman, a fait la révélation à l'occasion de la 53ème session de la Commission pour le statut des femmes (CSW) qui s'est tenue au siège des Nations unies à New York.
Le premier numéro du bulletin trimestriel Dynamiques Genre, publié par le programme « Promouvoir l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes dans la région euroméditerranéenne » vient de voir le jour.
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