[empower] capacity building initiatives and materials

Seven years ago, the Taliban would have torn these paintings to pieces. The 93 works show the emotions and images of a war-torn country in which women are still deeply oppressed. They depict war and weaponry, violence, entrapment, hopelessness - and hope.
"Making Our Streets Safe for Everyone"
60 years have passed since the independence from British rule; but have Sri Lankan women really been liberated? Direct link to the PDF image of the "We, Women" press advertisement, published in the Sri Lankan Daily Mirror on 5th Feb. 2008.
The Intercultural Dialogue can be a good mechanism to voice, expose & condemn those practices that violate women’s rights and silence women’s voices. Intercultural dialogue and diversity of culture should be promoted in a way that respects women’s rights.
Un projet dont le but est de constituer un réseau de femmes journalistes des deux rives de la Méditerranée.
Le Collectif Resisting Women - Femmes en Résistance vous Propose une Rencontre autour du Livre 'Le Coran et les femmes: Une lecture de libération'.
Rights & Democracy is issuing a call for proposals for the conference “Family Law Reform and Women’s Rights in Muslim Countries: Perspectives and Lessons learned” to be held in Kabul, Afghanistan, April 2008.
Report by the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission affirms that women's rights are enshrined in most international human rights treaties to which Afghanistan has joined, and thus the Afghan government has an obligation to observe these rights.
La C.L.E.F. (Coordination française pour le Lobby Européen des Femmes) est heureuse d’accueillir le jeudi 24 janvier 2008 de 19 à 22 heures à la Mairie du 3ème arrondissement de Paris, 2 rue Eugène Spuller, trois musulmanes féministes.
Les prochaines élections de la Commission CEDEF auront lieu en juin 2008.
لَقِّم المحتوى