[empower] capacity building initiatives and materials

"A Guidebook on Women Human Rights Defenders" is aimed to help women human rights defenders name the specific risks, violations and constraints they face in their work.
In August 2007, five women panelists spoke at a symposium entitled "Women, Islam and the West", as part of the WISE initiative.
Sisters in Islam (Malaysia) is undertaking a nationwide research project on how polygamy affects the family.
Les 16 et 17 octobre 2007: l’occasion de la Journée Internationale du Refus de la misère.
Opening soon: two plays from Adelheid Roosen based on the writer and director's interviews with Muslims living in the West. The complementary pieces, "The Veiled Monologues," and "Is. Man" will make their North American debut this weekend in New York.
Samedi 6 octobre 2007 à 9h; Salle Colbert, Assemblée nationale, Paris
Stage remunerée de trois mois / Responsabilités: Gestion financière, informatique et administrative.
Marfua Tokhtakhodzhaeva's new publication examines the socio-political and religious shifts in Uzbekistan in the last twenty years.
Until last year, Swazi women were legally regarded as minors.
This handbook, written by Global Fund staff, explores key ideas about raising money to fund women's rights work. It is especially designed for first-time fundraisers and for women's groups in developing countries.
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