To commemorate the life and work of Sindi Medar-Gould

It is with great sadness that we hear of the passing of Sindi Medar-Gould, a life-long feminist and women’s human rights activist. Sindi possessed a wonderful combination of passion and calm, and was often the ‘voice of reason’ and determination. Sindi was actively involved in Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) for a number of years, in particular as a trainer at our Feminist Leadership Institutes.

Sindi was the Executive Director of the Nigeria-based organization, BAOBAB, which grew out of WLUML’s ‘Women and Law’ program between 1993 and 1996. From this time BAOBAB has continued to be a key part of WLUML’s network.

Sindi dedicated her life to the women’s rights movement and worked relentlessly to attain gender justice and equality. Her commitment, hard work, and jovial nature inspired many that crossed her path and worked alongside her. Even with her passing, Sindi will continue to move and inspire us.   

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Sindi was always passionate, but somehow always calm. She has touched and inspired many.’ (Zarizana Abdul Aziz, International Human Rights Lawyer and WLUML Board Chair)

Sindi offered love, determination and experience to many young feminists. We crossed passed many times and she was always resourceful.’ (Doaa Abdelaal, WLUML Board Member)

Sindi was a passionate and committed leader, a voice of reason and positivity.’ (Anthonia Onwordi, WLUML International Coordination Office)

WLUML is grateful for the years of Sindi’s wisdom. Our hearts go out to her family at this difficult time.