Regional Workshop on Sexuality and Sexual Rights held in Rabat, Morocco

The Regional Coordination Office for Africa and the Middle East of the Women under Muslim Laws Network (WLUML-RCO/AME) organized a workshop on the topic of sexuality and sexual rights in Rabat, Morocco from May 5-8, 2009.  This regional meeting, which examined the issue of “Sexuality and Sexual Rights”, drew some two dozen participants from a wide range of countries, including Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Senegal, Nigeria, Egypt, Uganda, RDC Congo, Lebanon and Pakistan. Below, see the report of the workshop and the presentations that were given there (in both English and French).

PDF presentation: 
WLUML RCO-AME Workshop Report (English)

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Droits Sexuels - Codou Bop (French)

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Construction Sociale Sexualité - Fatou Sow (French)

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Sexual Rights in Sudan - Fahima Hashim (English)

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Islam & Avortement - Codou Bop (French)

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Les Instruments Internationaux et Regionaux - Kafui Adjamagbo Johnson (French)

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