
Another woman is on the verge of death by “stones” or, in more familiar terms, is awaiting news to confirm or abolish death by stoning. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani was interrogated in 2006 for the murder of her husband. In the interrogation session, Sakineh confessed to committing adultery with Nasser and Seyyed Ali, the two men responsible for her late husband’s murder. In May 2006, branch 101 of the Criminal Court of Oskoo in the province of Eastern Azerbaijan (in northwestern Iran) sentenced Sakineh to 99 lashes for committing adultery. After serving her sentence, she was released. Four months later, branch 6 of the Criminal Court of Azerbaijan sentenced her to death by stoning for adultery while married. *

Press Release: Roj Women is an umbrella site that seeks to publicise the work of Roj Women’s Association, a women’s charity working on community development in the UK, and of its political branch, Roj Women’s Assembly, that campaigns for far-reaching legal and political reforms in Turkey. Roj Women strives to give Kurdish women, whether in their countries of origin or in the diaspora, a voice to publicise the gender and racial discrimination they face. Beyond raising awareness at the national and international levels, Roj Women campaigns for change and offers services to support Kurdish women and child victims of male and military violence.

أربيل/ أصوات العراق: ناشد وزير الثقافة السابق في حكومة اقليم كردستان العراق فلك الدين كاكه يى، السبت، مرشد الجمهورية الأسلامية الأيرانية آية الله العظمى السيد علي خامنئي بالغاء حكم اعدام الناشطة الكردية الايرانية زينب جلاليان واطلاق سراحها. وجاء في بيان اصدره القيادي في الحزب الديمقراطي الكردستاني كاكه يى باسمه وباسم كافة زملائه البرلمانيين والمثقفين الذين يشاركونه الرأي في حقوق الأنسان وارسل نسخة منه لوكالة (أصوات العراق) ” نناشد آية الله العظمى السيد علي خامنئي مرشد الجمهورية الأسلامية الأيرانية بالغاء حكم الاعدام الصادرة بحق الناشطة زينب جلاليان واطلاق سراحها، كما نناشد بالغاء احكام الأعدام الأخرى الصادرة بحق الناشطات والناشطين لأسباب سياسية”.

Change for Equality reports that Zeynab Jalalian, whose death sentence for “Enmity against God” was confirmed by Iran’s Supreme Court in November 2009, is now at risk of imminent execution. The exact date and time of the execution has not been released, but her sentence has been submitted for implementation and may take place in a matter of hours or days. This news comes from her attorney, whose efforts to represent Jalalian were rejected by the courts.

When Iranian girls go out these days, their friends warn them they face trouble if they are wearing makeup or are fashionably dressed. Their friends point out that they have a 1,000-dollar price tag on their heads. They would do well to heed such advice, because the Iranian police launched a new drive a few weeks ago to crack down on anyone deemed to be wearing “bad hejab” or to be flouting the rules of chaste behaviour in other ways. The campaign is being called the “new approach to moral security”.

The Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women and the International Solidarity Network, Women Living Under Muslim Laws urge all concerned to immediately contact the Iranian officials to express their concern over the planned stoning to death of Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani. On 15 May 2006, Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani was convicted of having an ‘illicit relationship’ with two men and was sentenced to 99 lashes by Branch 101 of the Criminal Court of Osku, in East Azerbaijan Province. Then, in a September 2006 trial of a man accused of murdering her husband, Mohammadi-Ashtiani was once again accused of committing ‘fornication while married’. During this trial, Mohammadi-Ashtiani retracted the ‘confession’ she supposedly made during pre-trial interrogation, alleging that she had been coerced to confess under duress, and declared her innocence. Two of the five judges found her not guilty, pointing to the lack of evidentiary proof in the case against her, and noting that she had already suffered 99 lashes due to her previous sentencing. Even though double jeopardy is illegal in Iran, the other three judges, including the presiding judge, found Sakineh guilty on the basis of the ‘judge’s intuition’, a provision in Iranian law that allows judges to make their own subjective and arbitrary rulings based on a ‘gut feeling’, even in the absence of clear or conclusive evidence. Mohammadi-Ashtiani was sentenced to death by stoning on 10 September 2006.

اعلنت الناشطة الايرانية في حقوق الانسان شيرين عبادي الحائزة جائزة نوبل للسلام السبت ان عدد المعتقلين السياسيين في ايران بلغ 800 سجين وذلك بمناسبة الذكرى الاولى لاعادة انتخاب الرئيس محمود احمدي نجاد. وصرحت شيرين عبادي لقناة فرانس24 الاخبارية الفرنسية ان "الحكومة الايرانية لم تقبل ابدا كشف عدد المساجين السياسيين وتهدد عائلاتهم كي لا تتحدث لوسائل الاعلام. والاكيد اليوم هو ان عددهم يتجاوز ال800 شخص".

An Iranian state television program defamed human rights lawyer and Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi in a heavily edited program on 10 June, and an associate and spokesperson for Ebadi’s organization was detained, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reported today.

La journaliste Narges Mohammadi, porte-parole du Centre des défenseurs des droits de l’homme et collaboratrice de la Prix Nobel de la paix Shirin Ebadi, a été arrêtée à son domicile dans la soirée du 10 juin 2010 par des agents du ministère des Renseignements. Sa famille ignore le motif de son arrestation et son lieu de détention.

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