
This article addresses key aspects of the ICC, such as gender crimes and related case law, gender-sensitive proceedings and the possible implications of implementing international standards nationally to advance women's human rights.
Interview with Salih Booker, the Executive Director of Africa Action.
Iraqi women face tough choices in their country following the US-led invasion and occupation.
Le sort des femmes violées en prison par des soldats de la Coalition: une fois libérées, certaines se sont suicidées, d’autres ont été assassinées par leurs propres parents.
Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice highlight the appointment of women to key positions within the International Criminal Court.
Girls as young as eight are being raped in Darfur and used as sex slaves. The mass rapes ongoing in Darfur are war crimes and crimes against humanity but the international community is doing very little to stop it, Amnesty International said.
Le million de personnes forcées de quitter leurs maisons et fermes continuent à être persecutées. Les Etats-Unis insistent pour que les Janjawids, une milice créée et appuyée par le gouvernement, soient désarmés.
To catch a glimpse of the future of this country, look for a moment through the eyes of teenage girls who are coming of age here in the capital.
Occupation and rights violations are the main causes of violence against women, says UN expert following visit to Palestinian territories.
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