International: Women and the International Criminal Court

Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice
Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice highlight the appointment of women to key positions within the International Criminal Court.
As you know, the ICC is undergoing an enormous recruitment process to staff the Court in preparation for its substantive work.
To promote the appointment of women to key positions, we are sending regular notifications of relevant vacancies at the ICC, as well as updates on the appointments made. Please assist us in identifying suitable women candidates and encouraging strong applications for these positions.

Announcements and Appointments

We are not able to provide information on every appointment, however from time to time we will highlight the appointment of women to key positions within the Court.

Deputy Prosecutor, Head of Prosecutions Division

Today the Prosecutor of the ICC announced the final three candidates for the position of Deputy Prosecutor, Head of Prosecutions. They are Fatou Bensouda (The Gambia), Nicola Crutchley (New Zealand), and Josaia Naigulevu (Fiji). We congratulate all three candidates.

Thank you for your work with us to ensure there were a number of strong applications from suitable women candidates for this position. We were delighted with the extremely high calibre of women who applied for this position. Overall 35% of the almost 200 applications were from women. Pleasingly, 7 of the 9 candidates shortlisted for interviews were women, mostly from Africa. The shortlisted applicants as a whole were largely from Africa, Asia and WEOG.

We compiled documentation on several candidates for the position based on their responses to our questionnaire, their CV's, extensive internet research, and contributions from recipients on this outreach list. We presented to the Prosecutor substantial information on the experience, expertise, gender competence, prosecutorial strengths, and candidates understanding of issues for victims and witnesses, to further support the Prosecutor in identifying the final three candidates. Amongst these three finalists, two are women. The Deputy Prosecutor will be elected from these three candidates by the Assembly of States Parties, September 6-10, in the Hague.

We will prepare further documentation on each of the final three candidates, and facilitate a panel during the Assembly of States Parties to present the candidates' views and ideas, and interact with government delegates, the ICC, and NGOs. We will let you know of the final outcome in September.

Head of Victims Participation and Reparations Unit

We are also pleased to let you know of the appointment of Fiona McKay as the Head of the Victims Participation and Reparations Unit within the Registry of the ICC. Fiona McKay is a British lawyer who has worked with victims of human rights violations for many years, including directing a legal aid centre in the West Bank, and was involved in the development of the provisions in the Rome Statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence for the ICC relating to reparation for victims.

ICC Vacancies

The Rome Statute requires that in the employment of staff, the Prosecutor and Registrar must have regard for the representation of the principal legal systems of the world, equitable geographical representation, and fair representation of women and men.

Earlier this year Court officials indicated they were receiving few applications from women, and very few applications from Asia and Africa. Last week the ICC said they have noticed a significant increase in the number of women applying for positions and an increase in applicants from the Africa region. There continue to be few applications from Asia, and Eastern Europe is also under-represented in the personnel of the Court. We will monitor the appointments at the ICC to ensure that the increase in applications leads to an increase in appointments within the Court. We will also continue our recruitment campaign and work with the Court to address their responsibility in ensuring gender balance and regional diversity amongst the staff of the ICC.

A reminder that applicants from non-State Parties (countries which have not ratified the Rome Statute of the ICC) are eligible to apply for positions at the ICC, and applicants do not need the support of their Government. Staff already appointed to the ICC are from both State and non-State Parties.

Listed below are some of the positions currently advertised. We ask for your continued support in identifying experienced women candidates.

Guidelines for applications for the ICC can be found on the ICC website: It is essential for applicants to follow these guidelines and include a completed personal history form.

Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice
Anna Paulownastraat 103, 2518BC The Hague
Email: Website:

Relevant Vacancies at the ICC:

-Head Information and Evidence Unit (P-3)
Vacancy announcement number: 04-ADM-039-PO/Recirc.
Deadline for applications: 10-08-2004
Post number: ICC-2004-2120-E-P-3-002
Duty station: The Hague
Organizational Unit: Information and Evidence Unit, Administrative Center, Office of the Prosecutor

-Support Assistant (G-5)
NB: Victims and Witnesses Unit (VWU) is in the process of preparing for the arrival of first victims and witnesses in The Hague. In order to be able to activate the mandated services as and when required, the VWU seeks to establish a roster of qualified persons who would interested accept short term employment on a short notice for the post of Support Assistant.
Vacancy announcement number: 04-ADM-041-RE
Deadline for applications: open
Post number: To be determined
Duty station: The Hague
Organizational Unit Victims and Witnesses Unit, Registry

-Spokesperson (P-3) =>works in the Public Information Unit of the Immediate Office of the Prosecutor
Vacancy announcement number: 03-INF-090-PO/Rev1/Recirc.
Deadline for applications: 15-08-2004
Post number: ICC-4-2350-E-P-3-1
Duty station: The Hague
Organizational Unit: Office of the Prosecutor