Belgrade -- In February, representatives of the nongovernmental organization Women in Black will continue the action "Extradite Them!" throughout Serbia.
Rather than helping the people, in a number of areas, troops are intimidating villagers, scaring them away from their villages and then looting their homes, and in several cases, killing alleged separatists who are not armed.
A resource for women peace builders and practitioners to effectively promote peace and security which outlines the components of peace building from conflict prevention to post-conflict reconstruction & highlights the role that women play in each phase.
En septembre 2003, à la suite d’allégations faisant état de viols commis de manière généralisée et systématique par des combattants participant au conflit armé, AI a envoye 2 chercheurs a Bangui, afin de recueillir de plus amples détails sur la situation.
In September 2003, following allegations of widespread and systematic rape by combatants in the armed conflict in the CAR, Amnesty International (AI) decided to send two researchers to the capital, Bangui, to gather further information.