
Ces femmes qui font carrière dans les services de sécurité.
"Morituri te salutant" (ceux qui vont mourir te saluent), déclaraient, en prévision de leur ultime souffle, les gladiateurs à César.
'The idea is to ensure that a May 12 never happens again,'' said Nasir Aslam Zahid, former judge and one of the members of the Women’s Commission for Peace (WCP) formed in time for Tuesday when Pakistan celebrates its 60th year of independence.
What are the biggest threats to the security of people and states in Africa? What can women leaders in Africa and women around the world do together to address these concerns?
Women in Black is an international network of feminist, antimilitarist women who work for peace, are against war, denounce violence - specifically against women - and promote feminine participation in the resolution of conflicts and in peace negotiations.
Les Femmes en noir est un réseau international de femmes féministes et antimilitaristes qui travaillent pour la paix.
An appeal against forced marriage acquittals at the Special Court for Sierra Leone might have bearing on prosecutions at the International Criminal Court.
La double blessure des filles victimes des exactions terroristes.
Anti-war activist Debra McNutt argues, "It is our responsibility as Americans to stop our military's abuses of women, by ending the occupation."
"Out of 200,000 women that were exploited as comfort women by the Japanese Imperial Army, only a few hundred are still alive. This resolution calls on the government of Japan to accept responsibility for the coercion of young
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