
The UN Committee Against Torture issues recommendations addressing the economic, social and cultural root causes of violence in Kenya as well as specific forms of torture and ill-treatment against women and children.
L’association laïque, Africa, de la cité des 4 000 de La Courneuve a, comme chaque année depuis sa création en 1987, commémoré le 47e anniversaire des massacres d’Algériennes et d’Algériens à Paris.
Le 9 novembre 1938, le régime politique nazi organise dans toute l’Allemagne la première étape de la violente persécution antisémite qui se prolongera ensuite jusqu’à la Shoah.
Article by Luisa Morgantini, originally published in the "Il Manifesto" Newspaper.
"Here is an unassailable truth: if sexual violence is not addressed during the course of a conflict, then sexual violence will haunt the post-conflict period, and make of the ostensible peace a mockery for half the population."
Statement on behalf of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF).
A joint letter has been sent to the Chief Prosecutor urging that the amended indictment include charges of rape and other forms of sexual violence perpetrated against women by Bosnian Serb forces under Karadzic’s command.
Une lettre conjointe destinée au procureur en chef, que l’acte révisé inclue des accusations pour viol et autres formes de violences sexuelles perpétrées contre des femmes par les forces serbes de Bosnie sous le commandement de Karadzic.
“During wartime, it’s often more dangerous to be a woman than to be a soldier.”
Lebanon needs a new law banning sectarian prejudice and incitement, to help heal rifts that widened after last week’s fighting between opposition and pro-government forces, the Beirut-based Khiam Rehabilitation Centre said.
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