
تعرض خطة العمل الثالثة الإشكاليات والتحديات التي تواجهنا في سياقاتنا المختلفة وتطرح إستراتيجيات وهيكل مرن من أجل مواجهة هذه التحديات.

A broadcast featuring partners of the Women's Learning Partnership, talking about the international launch of the campaign on Arab women's right to nationality.

In July 2006, Women Living Under Muslim Laws held a week-long Plan of Action (PoA) Meeting in Dakar, Senegal. Following our last PoA Meeting (1997), this meeting aimed to update WLUML’s thematic priorities, strategies and organisational structure to ensure that they match the needs, concerns and capacities of our networkers. The resulting Plan of Action document will serve as the WLUML network’s guiding document for the next five years.

There has been no shortage of punditry when it comes to the current crisis in the Middle East, however most of the published and broadcast voices have been male. It is critically important to also listen to what women are saying.
Pour des raisons diverses, trop de militants, dans la gauche française et, plus largement, européenne, crachent sur cette chose fondamentale qu'est la laïcité, c'est-à-dire sur le principe de séparation de l'Eglise et de l'Etat ...
Women from around the world, including Lebanon and Gaza, called in to this unusual broadcast to explore the root of the violence, place responsibility, and explain the critical needs women in the region face as they try to survive.
Programme du colloque que nous organisons à l’UNESCO en septembre (18 et 19 septembre 2006).
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